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We offer weekend courses and also trial courses. So everyone can decide for themselves whether they want to learn windsurfing straight away or just want to get a taste of the sport.


The weekend course starts every Saturday at 10 a.m. At 12 p.m. there will be a break for refreshment and it will continue until around 3 p.m. On Sunday we start again at 10 a.m. and will finish at 3 p.m.

Minimum number of participants 3, maximum 8 people.

The trial course begins every Friday at 5 p.m. and lasts 2 hours until 7 p.m. Minimum number of participants 3, maximum 8 people.

Of course, the course prices include equipment and suit rental.

Please bring your swimsuit, towel, etc.


Private lessons are of course also possible by arrangement.


Group courses on request!


Registration can be done online, by email, SMS or WhatsApp.

Registration is necessary at least 1 week before the desired date, during the holidays at least 2 weeks.


Subject to changes due to weather conditions.


Payment for the courses is made online oreither bar or with EC on site.


Surfcenter Leipzig GbR

Hafenstraße 23a

04416 Markkleeberg


Am Cospudener See, Zöbigker Hafen, Pier 1 befinden sich Schule, Verleih und unser Surfshop.


©2024 von Surfcenter Leipzig

Impressum  /   Datenschutz  /  AGB

NEWs via:



Ostern bis Mitte Oktober

Mittwoch bis Freitag 14 - 19 Uhr

Samstag & Sonntag 10 - 19 Uhr

* witterungsbedingte Änderungen vorbehalten

* in den Ferien auch Montag & Dienstag

* auch mal bis Sonnenuntergang

* Materialausgabe bis eine Stunde vor Feierabend

* auf Anfrage individuelle Terminvereinbarungen möglich, auch ausserhalb der Saison

Newsletter: Immer auf dem Laufenden bleiben

Alles klar!

In unserem Newsletter informieren wir Euch über aktuelle Kurstermine und neue Angebote.

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